First, you must determine the needs of the home or business. This must be compared to the capacity of the water heater being purchased.
How many people are showering and at what time? Is there a specific time when more people are typically bathing?
When are the washing machine, or dishwasher in use? Are these machines needed at the same time family members are bathing or showering? (Most families are familiar with using appliances that consume hot water in time periods when bathing and showering are not required.)
Is there a large soaking tub or whirlpool bath? If so, what is the fill capacity in gallons? How is this tub used and how often? Is it used in a time period when the washing machine or dishwasher is running?
Finally, you must establish a reasonable "peak demand" flow estimate in GPM. (Gallons Per Minute). This is done by adding up the flow rates of all hot water consuming appliances, faucets and showerheads.
If you are on a well water system, please follow this link for more information.
NOTES: Please keep in mind that part of operating a more energy efficient home is the sensible usage of utilities. No different than recycling paper, glass, aluminum, and plastic requires more effort than simply throwing everything into a trash bin, saving energy and natural resources requires a change of habit and participation in effective economizing on behalf of all members of a family. When this is done, true energy savings and satisfying environmental results are easily seen by the residents of the home. For example, does your home have energy efficient low flow plumbing fixtures? An energy efficient shower head uses much less water than the ones of the past. It is possible to use an energy efficient tankless water heater without modern energy efficient faucets and shower heads. But does this make sense? When using low flow plumbing fixtures in combination with an energy efficient tankless water heater, you can enjoy the same comforts while consuming less energy and water as well as saving money on your utility bills.
If your home uses "city gas" (Natural gas that is piped underground into the home through a supplied meter which is regulated and read by the utility company) You will use the natural gas model.
If your home has a large storage tank outside that it periodically refilled by a technician who transfers the gas from a delivery truck, you have LP gas. You will need an LP gas model.
Natural Gas
Natural Gas consists primarily of methane. It is found with fossil fuels, in coal beds, as methane clathrates, and is created by methanogenic organisms in marshes, bogs, and landfills. It is an important fuel source.
Natural gas is often referred to as simply gas, especially when compared to other energy sources such as electricity. Before natural gas can be used as a fuel, it must undergo extensive processing to remove almost all materials other than methane. Natural gas is abundant in North America and Northern Europe.
Liquid Petroleum Gas (LP - Liquefied Petroleum Gas) (Also called Propane, LPG, GPL, LP Gas)
Varieties of LPG bought and sold include mixes that are primarily propane, mixes that are primarily butane, and the more common, mixes including both propane (60%) and butane (40%), depending on the season. In winter more propane, in summer more butane. Propylene and butenes are usually also present in small concentration. A powerful odorant, ethanethiol, is added so that leaks can be detected easily. The international standard is EN 589.
LPG is synthesized by refining petroleum or 'wet' natural gas, and is usually derived from fossil fuel sources, being manufactured during the refining of crude oil, or extracted from oil or gas streams as they emerge from the ground.
We see no reason to cling to ancient technology that is extremely inefficient. We are the final large culture on Earth using tank type heaters. The rest of the world has been using tankless hot water heaters for decades.
Isn't it time we follow this method? You don't leave your car running all night so that it will be warmed-up when you need it and you certainly don't keep your stove on 24 hours a day just to make food when you decide you are hungry. If our society replaced the tank type heaters with tankless models, we would dramatically reduce our nation's gas consumption. When you upgrade to a tankless, you can expect to save a substantial amount on your energy bill. (How much you save depends on your hot water usage habits and several variables. This is explained in detail on some of our other Q and A posts.)
The tankless water heater will give you endless hot water for as long as you open a faucet. With traditional water heaters, you have hot water as fast as your plumbing will allow. But, when your hot water tank is depleted, you must wait for the tank to reheat before you again have hot water.
The tankless water heater doesn't hold hot water; it heats water as it flows through the heater.
Basically, when you open a faucet or turn on the shower, water begins to move inside the heater and flows through a sensor which turns on the blower fan and burner which heats the water as it passes through a device called a "heat exchanger". Basically, this exchanger is a series of tubes with the moving water flowing inside. The rising heat from the fire chamber heats these tubes and that heat in turn transfers into the water inside the tubing. It is really that simple. The more complex part is the controlling of fan speed and fire levels to deliver a consistent temperature of water depending upon GPM (gallons per minute) of hot water being required at any specific moment.
Yes, in almost every application you will see savings. There are some variables that may reduce how much you save. One example is you will not run out of hot water, so longer showers could cut into your savings. Also, the cost of electricity, propane and natural gas in your area will affect the amount of money saved. The higher the cost for the energy type used to heat your water, the quicker you will recover the higher initial cost of installing a tankless versus tank style water heater. Generally speaking, most manufacturers claim that you can save as much as 25% to 50%, depending on what type of energy your water heater uses. i.e. City gas, bottle gas (LP), or electricity.
Because of these variables, we are reluctant to make promises on actual savings. But simple common sense tells us that there are savings, and of course, we are not wasting energy which is good for our planet.
Most tank-type water heaters lose about 3% to 4% of their heat every hour, 24 hours per day, every day. The tankless water heater heats water only when the faucet is turned on. A tankless water heater has no standby heat loss. With the exception of the miniscule amount of electricity necessary to power the digital standby display, a tankless direct-vent heater only uses energy when you are using hot water.
The payback period for tankless water heaters is 3 to 7 years depending upon how much hot water you use and the cost of energy. (The smaller the amount of hot water that you use, the faster the payoff.) If you are single and are seldom at home using hot water, your energy bill reflects the low consumption because tankless water heaters DO NOT EXPERIENCE STANDBY HEAT LOSS. Additionally, you are contributing to protecting the planet as well as the future of fuel and fresh water supplies.
It depends on your usage, the quality of the installation, and the quality of your water and/or filtration methods. With optimal water quality and a quality installation a tankless water heater should have no problem lasting 15 years or more. Our tankless water heaters can last significantly longer than a traditional tank heater. They are extremely reliable as these units have been well developed, and thoroughly tested for long periods by millions of homeowners in Europe and Asia. They are manufactured with the highest quality parts and every single one is pre-tested before packaging and shipment to our warehouse here in the USA.
NOTE: When you unpack and remove the protective water fitting end caps from one of our heaters, you may see some residual water from this factory testing process, this is normal and does not indicate that the heater has been installed previously.
Tankless water heaters vary greatly in price. There are less expensive models for summer homes, small apartments, and cabins. The deluxe whole house units are more expensive as they have more features and are made to heat water for much larger consumption needs. Additionally, the installation costs are not something we can determine as there are an infinite number of installation variations. Some are simple and some are more complex. We recommended contacting a contractor/plumber in your area to assess the potential costs for your proposed installation.
No. The technology has been improving dramatically in the past few years. In fact the technology is now considered "mature". Mature means that the device has been determined to be developed to the point that they are considered reliable and that dramatic change in the near future is unlikely.
Actually, the tankless water heater has been around for over a hundred years! During the Second World War, energy conservation became a serious concern, and tankless popularity soared. Since then, tankless hot water heaters have become a standard fixture in many households all over the world. Most adult Europeans and Asians know of no other method.
Actually the traditional tank type heaters are incredibly old technology. Imagine primitive people heating water in a pot over an open fire. The tank type water heater is actually an improved version of this pot over the open fire method. Modern tankless models are heating the water with the maximum possible efficiency.
Just think, most people only use hot water in the morning and the evening. The rest of the time, the tank type model is trying to keep that huge tank at the correct temperature. Slaving away day after day, heating water so that the humans in the household can have that hot water at the moment they ask. In our want-it-now modern world, a tankless heater provides hot water whenever you need it, and no energy is wasted by needlessly heating water held in a reservoir.
Energy costs are not likely to decrease in the future. In fact, they seem to be increasing at a much faster pace these days. It makes perfect sense to switch to tankless technology. Especially at the point a new heater is required. In fact, it is predicted that within a few years, most states will require tankless technology in all new home construction.
Most of the tankless water heaters we distribute have computer-controlled systems, which can be pre-set to deliver your desired water temperature. This temperature can be regulated up or down. Typically, 120 degrees is the setting on the water heater.
Yes. Many tankless water heaters will handle more than two fixtures at the same time, like two showers simultaneously. You can even use three showers at the same time, depending on the model of heater, the type of nozzle on your faucets and showers, and your plumbing system.
No. The tankless water heater has an electronic ignition system. This means you can save even more money when compared to tank type water heaters and there is no open flame to try to ignite or worry about. When not in use, our heaters use no gas and the electricity to power the display panel on our direct vent models is no more than that required for a digital alarm clock or stove/oven display panel.
Our heater has a fan motor to dramatically increase the BTUs of the unit as well as draw air into the combustion chamber and this electric power requirement is 120V AC. Which is the standard power outlet in U.S. homes. Some local codes have specific requirements on the electric connections and the location of the outlet in relation to the mounting of the heater. For example, some local codes do not allow extension cords when connecting to the power outlet, and the outlet must be to the side and above the water level in the heater at its highest point. Our on-demand direct-vent gas water heaters use natural gas or propane (LP) to heat the water, but electricity is required for the digital remote and to power the fan and PC board, which is the brain of the heater. Since there is no pilot light, it uses an electronic ignition. Actual electrical consumption is minimal.
This depends on the type/model of tankless water heater desired. Some have a power venting system and are ran to the side wall. (In warmer climates, outdoor installation is also possible and these usually need to exhaust components.)
Others are "direct vent". All of our direct-vent models exit via the side wall in a horizontal configuration. The recent trend in the gas fired tankless industry is to exit horizontally. This eliminates complicated weather hoods and shields that prevent leakage around shingles as well as the necessity of a condensation trap. Horizontally vented heaters have an exit pipe that slopes slightly down-hill which allows normal condensation to drip away from the unit. (As explained and as per most manufacturers today our heaters cannot be vented through the roof.) If our website does not answer your questions, please contact us for more information on venting types and specific requirements.
Tankless water heater cold-water inlet and hot water outlet is connected with the standard ½" water connections. Some of our bigger models use 3/4" water connections. On our smaller models, the gas connection is ½ " and ¾" on whole home models. This depends upon the size of the heater.
Tankless water heaters can be installed indoors; some models can be installed outdoors. Our direct vent home models are designed to be mounted on an exterior wall in a heated room with the exhaust and intake vent pipe exiting horizontally.
This varies by size and model, but certainly they use less space than a tank model. See product comparison sheets for details. The size is comparable to a small suitcase.
Yes; typically, exhaust pipe extensions are the most common additional items required.
However, when you purchase one of our direct-vent heaters we supply the exhaust/intake pipe free of charge (For the most common standard exterior side-wall rear-exit installation.) For thicker walls, or side exit installations, additional extension pipes may be necessary. As there are many variables to the installation, it is not possible to supply a standard "one size fits all" exhaust kit with each heater. For 80% of the installations, our supplied exhaust parts are sufficient. When you locate your mounting point, you can measure how much exhaust tubing you may require and purchase that amount. The recommended optional accessories are listed with the products. These include filtration and service valve sets.
The best way to size an on-demand water heater for any application is to estimate the peak flow capacity that will need to be supplied by the water heater at any time. For residential use, this will most likely be the maximum number of showers that may be used simultaneously, multiplied by the flow rate of the shower heads. This calculation should only be done by a qualified plumber or contractor. Once this maximum flow rate is calculated, consult the specifications for each heater to determine which model meets your demand. Please consult with your plumber or contractor.
NOTE: There is no harm in installing a heater larger than your calculated needs. As the heater only makes hot water as you need it, a larger model will ensure that when relatives or family are visiting, and your peak usage exceeds your calculations, there will be enough hot water.
A major element to a quality installation of a tankless water heater is the ventilation of the heater. Due to the pressurized exhaust a tankless heater requires the use of a category III stainless steel vent pipe. All of our direct vent heaters are designed for horizontal wall exit as shown in the image below. They cannot be vented vertically for any reason.
In order for your warranty to be valid, the heater must be installed by a licensed contractor/plumber. This is to ensure all basic standards such as water line size, gas line size, and proper ventilation are present for the heater to operate at its optimal potential.
Not necessarily. This is a common misconception of tankless water heaters. A tankless water heater does heat water on-demand almost instantaneously. But just like a tank water heater, it will take the same amount of time for the hot water to flush out the standing water that has cooled down and is already inside your hot water pipes. It takes time for the hot water to travel through the plumbing inside your home.
Sometimes tankless on-demand water heaters may need a larger gas line since its required BTUs are often higher than tank water heaters. The reason why the BTUs are higher is because it needs the energy to heat the water to your set temperature in mere seconds. The actual gas line upgrade size will depend on which tankless model you choose and the distance from the gas meter.
No. The amount of energy or BTUs required to heat water is actually the same. A simple way of explaining this is when you boil a pot of hot water on your stove. If you were to boil two identical pots of water. One pot is on high heat and the other pot is on low heat, the actual amount of BTUs required is exactly the same. The only difference is the amount of time it takes for the water to reach the boiling point. With this principal, simply think of the tankless heater as the high heat pot and the tank type water heater as the pot on the low heat setting. The energy savings comes because tankless water heater has a much higher energy efficiency and only turns on to heat water when you need it. A tank type water wastes gas by constantly heating the water in the tank to maintain the desired temperature.
Generally speaking the answer is NO.
Why? There are a few important things to keep in mind when purchasing the gas venting for your Gas-Fired Tankless Water Heater.
By code, tankless water heaters must use Category III stainless steel exhaust venting. Category III venting is corrosion resistant and has gas tight joints. The venting must be corrosion resistant because a slightly acidic condensate is formed during combustion. This condensation can eat away at your current vent pipe's galvanized metal and cause major damage to your tankless water heater's internal components. More importantly, the venting must be gas tight to avoid carbon dioxide leakage. They must be gas tight because tankless heaters use a powered exhaust fan to push the exhaust gas out, as opposed to tank water heaters which use a natural draft.
Be absolutely sure that you purchase Category III stainless steel (UL1738 certified) venting for your Gas-Fired Tankless Water Heater. "Type B" venting accessories are never acceptable. Also, be sure to check local building codes to ensure that you are in compliance.
Additionally, many Tankless Water Heater manufacturers offer gas venting "kits". It is recommended that customers evaluate the needs of their specific installation to ensure that they will be getting all of the necessary gas venting accessories. Depending on where you will be installing the Tankless Water Heater, a pre-made kit will probably not meet your needs. Ensure that you measure out the vent route and consider where the discharge will go through the wall, consider the necessary clearances, and consider ample access to air for combustion. At that time, buy the appropriate gas venting pieces.
Electrical Note: Gas-Fired Tankless Water Heaters may still require an electrical connection. Always review all installation requirements on the heater you are considering.
A conventional flue is what most people are familiar with. It typically consists of a double-wall flue pipe going from the top of the heater through the roof or side wall, venting outside. Sometimes it ties into the furnace vent at a "Y" or "T' union. The fixture draws its combustion air from the space around it (utility room, garage, hallway, etc.).
Our indoor gas fired models are the "direct-vent" type unit with forced air exhaust. We call it (sealed dual-chamber intake-exhaust) The large pipe that exits the top of the heater both vents and draws it's combustion air through a specially designed double stainless steel pipe from the outside via an adjacent wall. This special pipe has sealed joints and the outer joints must also be wrapped with special aluminum duct sealing tape. In this design, the interior pipe is the exhaust and it has sealed interior joints. The outer pipe is the one that draws the combustion air into the unit. This has an added safety benefit of dramatically lowering the exterior temperature of the pipe.
No. It is not required to install a water softener, but it is necessary to filter the incoming cold water line to ensure that sediment and/or debris particulate do not enter your heater. If you do live in an area that has very hard water it will eventually harm the performance of your tankless water heater. Something you can do is to add a water pre-filter which reduces scale which over long periods of time can form inside the heater's internal piping. A water softener system (non-reverse osmosis type) works well and many homes already have this. Additionally as with tank-type heaters, all tankless manufacturers recommend that you do a routine flush maintenance of your tankless heater (frequency depends on your water hardness level). There are ways in which you can tell if you have hard water. You may contact your city's water department for their water test report, test your water by purchasing a water hardness kit (fairly inexpensive), or by simply looking at your water fixtures to see if you have mineral build-up.
The bottom line is that hard water kills all water heaters. We advise anyone that owns any water heater to use a softener and/or filter to prolong the life of any water heater. Hard water kills water heaters and appliances.
To see our YouTube videos on filtration and flushing, follow this link.
Our larger model on-demand tankless water heaters are designed for an entire home. Our smaller units can provide hot water for a small cabin or home with lower needs. Our heaters can be linked together (in series) to provide higher output levels. See the series installation method on YouTube at this link.
To answer your question, we must ask: So, how many gallons of hot water do you actually need for your home?
Here are some helpful tips:
NOTE: We have placed a map of typical groundwater temperatures on our website for your convenience.
Mounted inside the mobile home, the answer is no.
However, in warmer climates an outdoor model can be installed to service a manufactured/mobile home. Learn more about our EZ Outdoor model.
The set temperature of the water heater depends on how it will be used. A comfortable shower temperature should not be much higher than 105°F (temperatures above 125°F are scalding). Most water heaters have been traditionally set at 120 degrees (48C).
Our Direct Vent model tankless water heaters come standard with a digital temperature controller which allows you to easily adjust the water temperature. The water temperature is displayed on the easy-to-use control panel and can be adjusted using the up and down buttons.
Note: If you want to go above 120 deg.F, (48C) please contact your installer.
(scalding can occur)
Most units are Natural Gas or Propane (LP) models.
No. However a Tankless water heaters work best when also using water saving faucets that have built in aerator (screens) that run at flow rates of 1 to 2 gallons per minute. Bath & sink aerator (screens) are available at a local home improvement stores and are inexpensive. Tankless water heaters work best using hand held shower heads that mount on the wall and hold in your hand, you can usually purchase one from a local store for about $20-$30. A 2.5 gallon per minute aerator shower head will actually flow at about 1.5 to 2.0 gallons per minute (most shower head aerators are calibrated using water pressure of 80 psi and the typical residential water pressure is between 40 - 60 psi, with the average being 50 psi).
Additionally, why would a person "go green" and install an energy saving tankless water heater and not use the energy saving faucet and shower heads? Tankless heaters are designed to be used with a water and energy saving combined philosophy.
Our tankless heaters are built by one of the leading manufacturers in this field. They have been making these for many years and they build millions of units each year. These units are used in all countries in Europe and Asia as well as Australia, South and Central America. The models we sell are specifically designed to be used with our USA A/C electrical current and our natural gas (NG). (As well as our LP-LPG-Propane models)
Quality means everything and we are confident you will like our water heater. We want happy customers and this can only be done when the proper heater is selected for each customer. If you have any questions or need assistance in making a selection, please do not hesitate to contact our facility.
Quality vs. Price: It's the same old story, there are more expensive ones and there are cheaper ones. The primary reason that we are so competitive on price is our streamlined business model. We are not located in a multi-million dollar facility in an industrial park in a metropolitan area. We are a hands-on company and the complete understanding of our product line extends from our CEO to our phone personnel. Every person working in this facility understands the internal components of every heater we sell and how those components operate. We understand what our heaters can and cannot do. We are not selling "widgets" or door-stops, these are sophisticated devices and because of this we simply won't knowingly sell a tankless heater that doesn't conform to the needs of our valued customers.
We all yearn for the sticker that says "Made in the USA" but at the time of this writing, we are not aware of any existing companies in North America who build gas-fired tankless heaters. In fact, we would like to have a relationship with a company on our continent that builds them.
The reality is that like most devices with electronic controls and multiple components, all brands of tankless heaters are made overseas.
Our company is American owned and all of our employees are American citizens. Our company warehouse is in the center of one of the largest wind turbine fields in the USA and we are well aware of the growth of ecologically friendly technology. We appreciate your business and we want our customers to know that we are in this for the long haul.
Yes, most of our water heaters will operate two water saver type shower heads at the same time.
This is difficult to answer due to variables in pressure, flow rates, diameter of your water pipes, and the incoming water temperature. The average home uses 1-3 gallons per minute at any one time, it is extremely unusual for any family to use over 3 gallons of water per minute. Also keep in mind the average faucet and shower run about 1 .5 to 2 gallons per minute. With these figures in mind, our models can easily keep up with this type of demand.
Baths, hand washing & showers are comfortable between 95 & 105 degrees.
Immediately! The hot water that comes out of a tankless water heater is almost instantaneous unlike a regular hot water heater where you would have to wait for it to reheat; a tankless water heater never runs out of hot water. Please keep in mind that it still takes the same amount of time for hot water to travel through the pipes in your plumbing system. This time varies depending upon the water pressure, the length and diameter of the plumbing in question.
55 to 60 degrees is the average groundwater temperature. In Southern climates it can be as high as 70F and as low as 40F in Northern climates in the winter.
NOTE: We have placed a map of typical groundwater temperatures on our website for your convenience.
At 1 gallon a minute (1 GPM) based on a cold water temperature of 60 degrees all of our tankless water heaters would be at 120 degrees or higher. Keep in mind the average temperature for washing hands and taking a shower or bath is between 95 & 105 degrees. With the average faucet producing 1.5 gallons per minute when using newer type faucets made within the last 10 years. The lower the gallons per minute the higher the hot water temperature settings can be. Scalding can occur with higher temperatures! EZtankless as well as every manufacturer in this industry recommends settings no higher than 120F (49C)
Yes, If your dishwasher is six years old or newer it has built in water heating elements similar to a tankless water heater so no extra heating if necessary.
If your dishwasher is six years of age or older it uses about 14 gallons of water, most dishwasher manufacturers state that the temperature should be 130 to 140 degrees, and most dishwashers run about 1-2 gallons per minute. Using the average incoming cold water temperature of 60 degrees, the hot water temperature would easily be sufficient.
Yes, you can. All of our tankless water heaters will work with all types of tubing, including PEX.
Yes you can, however, to validate your warranty you must use a professional installer and submit the warranty paperwork. As with every tankless manufacturer, we always recommend that you hire a licensed professional. In fact, in many areas, it is the law that installation be conducted by a licensed professional. Tankless heater installs are very similar to that of a tank-type water heater. It is true that depending on their abilities, many of our customers have installed our tankless water heater themselves. For liability reasons, no tankless manufacturer or company offers do-it-yourself support lines to assist amateurs with installation questions. If you are not comfortable with plumbing and electrical work, it is imperative that you seek professional assistance. The customer is ultimately fully responsible for the installation & cost of the tankless water heater and it's related components. Installation and shipping costs are not refundable.
In order to keep the price low our water heaters are not sold in any retail stores. We only sell them over the internet at this site.
No, Just like a tank water heater that you buy at a local home improvement store you would have to hire a professional. The install is very similar to a tank type water heater. Many of our customers ask a professional to view the guide and then give them an estimate. The customer is fully responsible for the installation & cost of the water heater. We don't recommend you to set install appointments or do any pre-prep work until the water heater arrives. Installation cost, uninstall cost and to and from shipping costs are not refundable.
We don't like to cut down trees, but we do have them for those who do not use the internet. But if you are reading this, then you are already on our website. If you would like to have a brochure sent to a friend or relative who doesn't use the internet, please contact us and we will place one in the mail post-haste. All information on our tankless water heater website is printable and can be used as well.
We ship freight-free on orders for new heaters via ground service. Rush orders are most important and will be shipped before ground shipping orders. Ground shipping can take as long as 5 working days to receive.. Priority mail (3-5 days) is an additional charge and averages $30-$50. and Express 24-48 hours averages $65.-$150 dollars additional and is not available in all areas. All shipping estimates are working days not counting weekends. Please add 1-2 days to the estimated delivery time during holidays. For same day shipping, all orders must be in by noon eastern time or they will be shipped the next business day. If we are out of stock, you will be immediately notified. When purchasing on-line from our website, please check your email for order confirmation and/or important messages from our company.
No, you don't. The minimum required flow rate to activate the burner is a very low flow. Approximately 0.8gpm depending upon which model you select.
Absolutely. The tankless water heaters if properly sized can easily do this. For incoming water at 60-70F you can easily do two hot showers.
No way. Reliability, safety and comfort are now the best words to describe the performance of today's horizontal direct-vent tankless water heaters. They have been rumored to have unreliability in the past, but the technology has advanced dramatically in the past few years.
Locating a company to perform your install should be easy as many plumbers are embracing tankless technology. We recommend calling around your area to find a plumber who is experienced with the tankless systems, and if you find someone who isn't, ask them why. Let them know that the demand is there and that tankless is the way to go. For the most part, installation is the same as the tank. Tankless units require 1/2" or 3/4" water lines and 3/4" gas lines. Keep in mind that the new tankless heater cannot be connected to the existing exhaust pipe from your old heater. All tankless direct vent heaters require a stand-alone intake/exhaust system. All of our direct vent heaters are horizontal vent only Our units cannot be vented through the roof.
Our units work best when they are mounted to a wall with direct outdoor access as this minimizes the length of the intake/exhaust pipe. Corrosion-resistant stainless steel ventilation is required and when purchasing one of our Direct-Vent models, we furnish the basic exterior wall mount intake/exhaust pipe free of charge.
*(Additional extension and elbow pieces are available at minimal cost.)
NOTE: Our Direct-Vent models are always vented horizontally due to the fan assisted intake and combustion process and to prevent the backflow of natural atmospheric and combustion related condensation. Let's not forget the added convenience of the wall mount! A tankless water heater will help you save space and save money.
Everyone knows that plumbers and contractors charge by the hour and if they are not familiar with a product or procedure, they may have to learn as they work. In fact they may make crucial mistakes that require all or part of the work to be done a second time. If you are the customer who is the first tankless installation for your selected contractor, you may actually be paying for the time spent learning about and experimenting with the installation of your tankless water heater. For this reason it is best to consult your contractor or plumber to find out if they are familiar with tankless technology. If they are not, you may wish to look elsewhere.
Maybe your favorite plumber or contractor wants to learn the technology and will work with you on an agreed price to install the heater while acknowledging that you are not responsible for the extra time spent on the "learning curve"? This way you can both do yourselves a favor?
Don't be fooled; This is a step forward in technology and efficient living. For the homeowner, and for the installers: Not since indoor plumbing replaced the outhouse and electric refrigeration replaced the icebox has such a widespread change come to American households.
You may hear negative comments about tankless heaters. It is simple human nature to be reluctant to change old habits. Don't confuse a contractor's reluctance to accept inevitable change as a negative opinion directed at tankless water heater technology in general. What you interpret as negativity may simply be inexperience. Again, it is simple human nature that few professionals in any trade will readily admit that they have no experience in an item related to their field of expertise. For these reasons, don't be surprised that you may find initial negativity as you try to locate an installer.
Don't be discouraged, in any trade there are those who recognize opportunities and immediately jump on board. A good tankless installer is out there and as time goes by they will be more easily found. Every day, more and more contractors are becoming aware of the rapidly expanding tankless installation business. At this time, any plumber who does not seize the opportunity to learn this technology will soon find himself and his company is behind the times.
There are basically three reasons why a contractor would try to convince the homeowner to change their mind about a tankless heater purchase.
Yes. These units have been used in higher elevations for many. You can go tankless in the valleys and tankless in the mountains.
Yes. Simply drain both lines 'to' and 'from' the unit. As long as there are no check valves in the way, that should drain the water from the unit. To guarantee that there is no water in the unit, we recommend two drain valves - one before and one after the unit - as well as blowing air through the water line. We recommend that you remove exterior mounted heaters and store them indoors to prevent unnecessary weathering and the potential of theft.
EZ Tankless | All Rights Reserved |
Created by Olive + Ash.
Managed by Olive Street Design.